Wife Material.

What a year it has been, so much has happened that I barely know where to start. The start is normally a good place but that is probably the most boring way to tell a story. Instead, I will attempt to do this post like all the new TV Series [1] do – start at the end and then back fill the rest. Yeah, that sounds like fun, here we go!..

I ended the year with a total notch count of 25, my best to date. 18 of these were from 566 daygame sets – 1 in 31.44. In my 2017 review I wrote – My approach to lay ratio was 1 in 51.88. The pro’s say advanced daygamers should be aiming for 1 in 30. Guess I still have a ways to go. Seems like I’m getting there. Let’s give the stats the full treatment in comparison to 2017, as ever, these are daygame only;


Sets Number FB Flake Date Flake idate Date Near Miss SDL Lays
882 25.62% 5.67% 36.59% 7.25% 2.83% 5.10% 1.36% 0.23% 1.93%
5.13 226 50 101 20 25 45 12 2 17


Sets Number FB/Insta Flake Date Flake idate D1 D2 D3 D4 Near Miss SDL Lays
566 22.44% 15.02% 20.75% 1.89% 3.53% 6.89% 2.83% 1.59% 0.71% 1.41% 0.53% 3.18%
4.01 127 85 44 4 20 39 16 9 4 8 3 18

I did 316 less approaches in 2018 yet got one more notch than 2017, a significant increase in efficiency. So how did I do this? The short answer is, I don’t know, these things just improve with practice. But I’ll attempt to flesh it out.

There was never a conscious decision to open less, it just happened. One explanation could be that my calibration improved significantly. I had a much better of idea of what looked like a good set, even if all the usual pre-approach signals were bad – walking fast, looking grumpy, no hip sway, looks like she’s waiting for a date – I’d think, Ignore all that, she’s horny, GO IN, and more often than not, I was right. Krauser calls this your spider sense and it improves with practice – lots of it [2].

Another could be that the sets themselves improved. If there was one moment in 2018 when I realised, Hang on, I’m pretty good at this daygame stuff, it was in Belgrade the first time with Krauser. He was coaching a student one day so I went out for a solo session. Whilst I was mid-set I noticed him and his student appear over the girls shoulder… I continued my prattle on auto-pilot and I could hear Nick saying things to his student like “look how relaxed he is, completely loose, fractionating on and off with the eyes, the smile… oh oh, did you see how he just touched her forearm and she just took it, natural touch, not creepy…” and on and on. After the set I walked over to them and Nicks student was in awe “really impressive stuff man!” I said thanks and never thought much of it at the time.


There was no drop in work rate. I went out just as much, if not more than I did in 2017. The biggest difference was that I didn’t mind if I didn’t open. I never had a goal per session of x number of sets. I averaged 4.01 sets per session, in 2017 it was 5.13 per session. In 2018 I went out many times and didn’t do a single approach, this was especially true in Australia where the quality was generally terrible, and I never felt bad about it. Krauser calls this the river and advises that it’s never a good idea to swim upstream i.e. if there are no sets you don’t need to start opening sub-standard sets just to make up the numbers, so I didn’t.

My close rate (numbers and social media) improved from 1 in 3.2 down to 1 in 2.67. I took more social media this year and these are never strong leads. However, I still I banged two girls this way and dated 13 others. But numbers are always king.

Flakes reduced significantly, again, I put this down to better calibration and better sets.

Date flakes also came down, I put this down to not going to Moscow, where almost all of my date flakes came from in 2017.

Idates and dates came down slightly but are higher as a percentage, again this is due to doing less but better sets. This year is the first year I tracked second, third and fourth dates… I even had some fifth, sixth and SEVENTH dates.

Less near misses this year, but a higher percentage.

I got one more SDL than last year, everyone loves an SDL. The most of dramatic of which came in Prague when I went to visit another girl and she ghosted me. That was fun.

The most important stat of them all is of course the number of lays. This came from a date to lay ratio of 1 in 2.166, down from 1 in 2.65 last year. In 2018 I found myself doing less routines on dates. In the beginning I had a check list of things to do stored on my phone and I’d always check through it when I went to the bathroom. I never do this any more and I almost never play the questions game. Nowadays I am a lot better at figuring out where the girl is at, whether it be by her body language or the things she says and I act accordingly.

As mentioned in previous blog posts, I spent the first three months of the year in Melbourne. I really enjoyed my time there, but it is a hell hole for daygame. Despite this I got laid a few times and met one girl I really, really like, but didn’t bang. We’re still in touch frequently and she’s even talking about coming to visit me in London.

At the end of March my job asked me if I would like to stay in Melbourne for a couple of years, I politely declined citing reasons such as, I didn’t like the time difference and the beer was too expensive. All of these reasons were true, but I decided against telling them that the daygame was terrible there.

Back to Manchester I went. I worked and did daygame there for about a month or so and during that time I was headhunted by another company. They wanted me to join them as a contractor for more than double my salary, and more importantly I could be based in London. I thought about it for around three seconds and then handed in my notice. I left mid-April and wouldn’t start the new position until July. If only there was something fun to do between the months of April and July? I couldn’t think of anything, so I went on a two- and a-bit month Eurojaunt.

Whilst I was away Ricky Roma, Mr S and myself decided to get a place together in London upon my return. They did all the leg work whilst I was swanning round Eastern Europe and found a great apartment in central London for a reasonable price. Well done boys.

The apartment has been great fun and 99% of the time we get along great. There have been a couple of little spats between Mr S and myself. We’re both good at game and engaged in silly little competitions which led to some arguments. I guess this is to be expected. Next year there will be no such competitions, it’s not healthy and the only competition should be with yourself.

2018 saw me daygame in 10 different cities (London, Melbourne, Manchester, Prague (Twice), Belgrade (twice), Budapest, Krakow, Saint Petersburg (twice), Warsaw and Cape Town [3]). Whilst this was fun, I lost a lot of leads because I couldn’t stick around. This year I plan to do much less cities and more repeat trips to my favourite locations.

Now to the girls, all 25 of them in chronological order;

# Description Date HB Age Location Flag
1 The Kiwi 19/01/2018 7 27 Melbourne New Zealand
2 The Sudanese 02/02/2018 7 25 Melbourne Sudan
3 The Bali Girl* 11/02/2018 6 21 Bali Bali
4 The Fijian* 16/02/2018 7 28 Melbourne Fiji
5 Crazy girl in Melbourne* 01/03/2018 6 25 Melbourne  
6 A girl in Manchester 18/04/2018 6.5 23 Manchester  
7 Croatian Rock Chick 04/05/2018 7 21 Belgrade Croatia
8 Columbian Latina 07/05/2018 6.5 21 Belgrade Columbia
9 Italian K girl 17/05/2018 7.5 20 Budapest  
10 Horny Hungarian 19/05/2018 7 24 Budapest Hungary
11 Curly Serb 30/05/2018 7 21 Belgrade  
12 Cute Russian 13/06/2018 8 18 Saint Petersburg  
13 Huge IOI* 25/06/2018 7 24 Saint Petersburg  
14 Italian long lead 03/08/2018 7 28 London  
15 Saudi Sloshpot 06/08/2018 7.99 21 London Saudi Arabia
16 Latvian Bargame* 10/08/2018 6 21 Riga Latvia
17 English SDL 01/09/2018 7 22 London  
18 English Black Girl 09/09/2018 7.5 22 London  
19 The Bulgarian* 21/09/2018 7.5 18 London Bulgaria
20 Tits out – gash out 11/11/2018 7 30 London  
21 Tattoed Russian 24/11/2018 7 23 Saint Petersburg  
22 A Canadian 05/12/2018 7 22 London  
23 SDL in Prague 08/12/2018 7 23 Prague  
24 The Serbian 22/12/2018 7.5 22 London  
25 Girl That Opened Me* 26/12/2018 6.5 27 Cape Town  
  Averages 6.98 23.08    

I met some very special girls this year. The best in bed was undoubtedly the Saudi. I’ve upgraded her to a 7.99 as other friends have looked at pictures of her since I wrote the blog post and told me she was an 8. Unfortunately, she is back Saudi now and I will not risk being arrested by going to visit her. The cute Russian was the one I enjoyed hanging out with the most – she had a lot of banter and I will see her in the future if she doesn’t get boyfriended up. The Tattoed Russian also gets an honourable mention – she was both great in bed and a pleasure to spend time with.

Towards the end of the year the apathy was starting to set it. It had been a long one and I went through a lot of girls. As was probably apparent in my posts, I was getting fed up. I would frequently think about two things;

  1. What is the point of all this?
  2. What is my endgame?

The point is obviously to meet and have sex with new girls as we are apparently biologically programmed to do as males. I really enjoy meeting new girls on the street and dating them, the chase, it’s great fun. But then you bang them and then what?

In my earlier days I would bask in the glory of a new notch for almost a week. Now that glorious feeling lasts around 5 minutes. I wrote a drunken tweet [4] about feeling empty inside after a recent notch. I didn’t mean it in the literal sense. I am grateful to lead a life that most men would be jealous of; I have a good job, I have great friends most of which I’ve met through daygame, I travel a lot every year and meet some amazing women. The glass of life is certainly half full. What I meant was that the same buzz isn’t there anymore. I don’t get the same satisfaction as I used to from banging a new girl.

It’s a real dilemma – I am starting to enjoy the chase more than the catch. I consulted Uncle Nick about this hoping that he would say “ah just turn to page 323 of Daygame Infinite, it’s all in there mate”. But he didn’t. Instead he said these sobering words… “I certainly understand. I don’t have a solution, but I have an intimate awareness of the problem”. AH BALLS.

And so to endgame. How can one check out in the full knowledge that the urge will always be there to open (and have a 50-50 chance of closing) the next hot girl you see walking down the street?

I’ve decided I’m not going to tackle this conundrum just yet. I will carry on living in depravity and banging as many women as I can along the way. However, I’ll be paying more attention to the red flags for long term partners. I’ll keep a list of girls who qualify as girlfriend/wife material and attempt to keep in touch with them. This may mean that I end up with less crazy girls in the sack and consequently less girls in total and that’s fine by me. Eventually I’ll pick one of the best ones for a girlfriend which will hopefully turn into a wife and kid or two, maybe even a pug as well. I’ll live in a countryside cottage miles away from civilization to avoid any form of temptation and grow my own vegetables. But I’m getting ahead of myself, there’s still plenty in the tank yet and plenty more girls out there to be approached.

All the best for 2019, players.


[1] Referring specifically to The Sinner on Netflix.

[2] I am now on 3375 sets total

[3] I did one set whilst on holiday there

[4] Always a good idea



20 thoughts on “2018 – A Year of Change

  1. Great write up and great progress.

    Personally I don’t think there is an end game. As a man there is always going to be the need to close new girls, even if it doesn’t have quite the same thrill as before. The alternative (long term monogamy) is much worse. I think you’re going the best way there is and focusing on quality…look forward to seeing how it goes.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Roy– may I have your email address so I can have a copy of the spreadsheet? I’ll give you the out of print Krauser/Torero daygame PDF they don’t sell anymore as exchange.


  3. Roy – would you consider a post about how you have changed as a person due to your efforts in game? Others state that the journey changes the player’s personality and I am interested to hear your thoughts.


    1. I’ve changed quite a lot. When I look back at social media posts/pictures pre-2014, I really cringe.

      Id estimate 80% of this is due to learning game, the other 20% is down to living life.

      I’ll write a post, if it gets too long, I’ll save it for my book that I might write one day, some time, somewhere.


  4. Regarding your concluding paragraphs, I have been wondering many of the same things. https://theredquest.wordpress.com/2017/12/17/the-deep-psychology-that-keeps-men-in-the-game.

    I have been in it in some capacity for 10 – 12 years now, depending on how you want to count. I don’t hate the game, I don’t recant it, I never will…… but I sense a desire to do something else. I haven’t really acted on that desire, but it’s been growing in me.

    In some ways I know too much. I wonder if knowledge is a curse. I know the problems with monogamy and marriage. But I am also getting to the problems of being a hedonistic player. Maybe there is no solution.


      1. It is quite different than what most people do. I did put together a free ebook explaining what’s up and how it works, should you be curious. https://theredquest.wordpress.com/free-book

        I think I’m somewhat older than you, but like you I am contemplating the “What comes next?” question. I don’t have the answer.

        I do notice that many guys exit the game after 5 – 10 years in it. There is a big difference between exiting by choice vs. marrying out of desperation, etc.


  5. Cool and all that but these game blogs are getting repetitive. Would be good to see you in action Roy or at least hear some infields. If you want to be on the leader board I guess we have to see you play…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Why on earth would he bother? Have you seen the news this weekend that a PUA in Glasgow was arrested? The charges against him are not clear at this point but the decision to arrest him seems to be down to the videos he has posted. There is a lot to lose and very little to gain by posting infields, and should only be done by someone who is making a financial career our of game.

      Liked by 1 person

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