My First Coaching Review

Last week I had my first 5 day coaching client, he’s given himself the pseudonym of Ging on twitter. It wasn’t 5 full days, Just 2-3 hours each day after work. And as I have mentioned on twitter, I was quite surprised by how much fun I had in the process. I always said that I would never do coaching because I would not be able to bare the sight of a perfectly good set going to waste. I don’t know if it’s because subconsciously I think I’ve banged enough women now, or if I like the act of teaching, but either way, I really enjoyed watching Ging improve day by day, I was cheering him on in set, every time he did something I taught him, I’d be like “Yes, that’s my boy!”… as I was stood nearby listening and getting funny looks from passers by. But enough rambling from me, here’s a few unedited words from Ging himself…

Review: Roy Walker Bootcamp

19 – 23 October (5 days), Warsaw

A short background about me: I come from a Slavic country and have lived most of my adult life in Germany. I started with daygame about 2.5 years ago and did it scarcely for half a year, before committing and doing it very seriously for another 6 months (including a weekend bootcamp with a different coach). I took 1.5 years off after, when the Covid pandemics started. I had also done night game for the past 4.5 years, with varying levels of intensity. I had slept with 34 girls so far (33 before the bootcamp).

I had first heard about Roy from a mutual friend, who used to go out with him for daygame a few years ago. He seemed to check all the boxes I was looking for in a coach:

  • decently looking
  • fun to hang out with
  • traditionally successful in terms of education, career, money
  • good at daygame (and actively practicing it)

We agreed to do 5 days training, every day in the afternoon.

The main goal of the training with Roy was to get over my approach anxiety. I did not have big expectations beyond that, as I had been doing game for a few years before and had also done a number of daygame approaches, having decent results.

Coaching with Roy was everything I expected it to be and more. Firstly, Roy is a very friendly person, with an Irish sense of humor, which helps a lot when you walk around for several hours in the cold early-winter Warsaw. I enjoyed his company and felt like he genuinely wanted me to succeed. He was also great for keeping up energy during the sessions and he shared with me a lot of advice about dates, travel, wings, and life in general.

The first main point of training was approach anxiety and the stop. We dedicated the first two days to it. Roy would push me to do most of the approaches and would also do a number himself to demonstrate his technique and his delivery of specific lines, stop, interaction – this was perhaps one of the best things in the coaching. He does what he teaches, and he can do demonstrations on demand. I felt we found a very good combination of demonstrations and me doing approaches, applying the learnings.

The main thing I got from his approaches was their incredible simplicity. Typically, the first few seconds of the interaction were structured as: open, observation, stack, …. When listening to Roy the girls typically started giggling at the observation (even is the observation was plain). I was listening on the phone and giggling as well. It was clear to me fast that this is what a good interaction with a woman should look like in daygame. This was one of the key takeaways of the bootcamp – that (day)game at its core is seduction, and that the girls don’t giggle when I talk to them, no matter how well I deliver the lines. I am really happy I got to see his energy in action and to some extent incorporate it into my own daygame – we worked on this a lot during our coaching, including strong front stop, eye contact, slowing down, etc..

After the first 2 days I had achieved my goal. I went out in the morning and did 3 approaches on my own. Even got one number. The approaches I felt were already better than any I had done before (and I still feel my previous approaches were not bad). There was a clear element of seduction. Girls could feel that it was more serious.

After the first part of the training, we worked on the rest of the interaction and solidifying the open. He gave me a lot of advice on stacking, conversation topics and general mindsets.

The second key takeaway of the bootcamp was to be unapologetic. I heard the “Stop saying sorry!” repeatedly. And “Own it!”. The third one was “Gotta put the balls on the line”. In essence owning who you are, what you are doing and being okay with it. This was the second big change to the way I conduct my interactions. It is now much more grounded and in line with what I want to say. Much more detached from the outcome as well. He pointed out several ticks I do subconsciously and am not aware of, which stray away from being unapologetic and are designed to make a girl (and/or others) like me. He also gave me advice on texting, where I was too long and trying too hard. He real-time corrected my texting when setting up dates and showed me his text conversations.

On the last day of the training, I talked to a girl in line for lunch – in the middle of one of the most popular lunch places in Warsaw. Right in the middle. And he did not ask me to do it – we were just grabbing lunch before the training. Had a short interaction, went for lunch with Roy, stood up in the end, walked to her table, chatted with her, and took her number. I did not care about anything around me, it was natural to do it and it felt just so liberating. This was the last day of the training and Roy asked me to take her on a date that night and go for an SDL (good for marketing, I guess 😊). We ended up at her place that night, having sex, and met again the next day as well.

I feel like, having completed the training, I can confidently walk down the street, and upon seeing an attractive girl, walk up to her, open with confidence and start a seductive interaction. It feels much more empowering doing daygame this way and my results have been amazing. Moreover, I feel much more grounded and confident in general – it feels funny saying that in late 20s, but it feels like my personality has developed in only a week of working with Roy. By the end of the training my phone was also filled with numbers of very attractive girls, some of which I will genuinely regret not meeting, since I have left Warsaw already.

To conclude, I feel like Roy is the talk-the-talk, walk-the-walk type of instructor, who explains the techniques, has a deep understanding of the underlying principles, and can go out and demonstrate it all. With him you will experience the reality of a daygamer at the highest level, no bullshit, exactly the way he does it on his own. It was transformative for me and can only highly recommend it to anyone.

Happy to give a more detailed account over the phone or skype (ask Roy for my contact).

Thanks Ging, I’ll send you that 50 Euro later….If something like this sounds fun to you, get in touch through the contact form or DM me on Twitter. My movements for the rest of the year are still fluid, I’ll be in Warsaw for at least another week, haven’t decided where I’ll go after that.

Moscow Mules

Typical Bar Game Two Set

It’s been a while fellas. I’m currently on the plane out of Moscow en route back to Belgrade and have 3 hours to kill. I have a lot to cover, so as has been usual lately, I’ll say a lot of things, in not very many words…

Moscow was eventful to say the least. Let’s start with the stats. In just under 90 days, I did 68 daygame sets and banged 10 of these (1 in 6.8!) [1]. There was also a handful of bar game lays, and I also had a steady girlfriend (that I obviously cheated on) for two months. So, I was a busy boy.

I think I tweeted about it several times, but I really do love Russia, and I think it loves me back. This was probably my favourite trip there yet. It may have been because my speaking ability has improved and I think this made a real difference with the locals, not just the girls. When I went out to bars I frequently had guys number closing me – no homo. They would say things like “Crazy Irish man who can speak Russian – we need to hang out, I’ll introduce you to some nice girls”. I always gave my number, but I didn’t need their help with the talking to girls part.

So why so few sets?

Well, let’s break it down in 30 day chunks. The first 30 days I did 48 sets, spamming by my modern standards. I smashed 7 of these birds. Then the next 30 days I did 14 sets, smashing only two. And over the last 30 days I did SIX sets in total, smashing 1.

In the first 30 days I was brimming with enthusiasm having just arrived from a relatively quiet Belgrade. It was the peak of the summer and there were beautiful scantily clad Russian girls everywhere [2]. There is an old adage, I can’t remember who coined it, probably Krauser, that went something like “Daygame is a super power”. And as I have discovered, it really is, when done correctly. It just felt so easy to get laid during this period. I was basically getting a number off every other girl I opened and had dates most nights.

Then over the next 30 days things tapered off quick sharp. This was for several reasons. Firstly, the weather. August was pretty terrible; it was unseasonable rainy and windy. I also met my Girlfriend at the beginning of this period, she will get her own little paragraph or two further down the page. So, my hunger for daygame was substantially reduced.

I had virtually no desire to approach over the last 30 days. The weather got even worse, most days in September it was rainy and cold, which is akin to pouring gasoline all over the house and setting it alit in terms of daygame conditions. My general rule when daygaming after I had committed to the girlfriend was that “I’ll only open if she’s hotter than my girlfriend”. Excuse the humble bragging, but she is fucking hot, and I did not find many girls hotter than her on the street.

I still went out with the lads and did a bit of bar game for shits and giggles. And I smashed a few girls from doing this and I had a blast doing so. My liver and bank balance were not so pleased. Generally, when I go out drinking, I usually forget that I am not on a high paying day rate contract anymore and I just spend, spend, spend. I buy anyone who so much as looks at me a drink. My mantra is generally, if I run out money, I’ll just make some more.

So that’s the update covered. Since my last post I banged two girls from daygame and a couple from bar game, I’ll quickly cover the daygame lays…

Number 104

This was a pretty blonde girl that I met on the street on a Friday night two or three weeks ago, I honestly forget when, most weeks have blurred into one another. She was wearing a stunning black dress and high heels, I remember Seven also wanted to open her “If you don’t go, I will!” he said. Of course, I was going. The dress made her significantly ample boobies pop. All I remember from the convo is that she was on her way to meet a “friend” and that she was new to Moscow. I later found out that this “Friend” turned out to be an awful first date. But there was nothing significantly different to report with this lay, hence me not writing about it earlier. I got her back to my front door on the first date but she wouldn’t come in, she came in on the second one and I shagged her. She had a great wee body on her. Perhaps the only difficult part of banging this girl was that she was very quiet. After each date I was physically and mentally exhausted because I had to do SOOOO much talking to make her feel comfortable. I spoke utter drivel, saying things like “I like that painting on the wall there, I know bugger all about paintings, but I like it, do you like it?” , “да”, “Thanks for the contribution, you’re good at this talking stuff, aren’t you?”. This was an actual exchange, I flat out took the piss out of her, and it made her tight little vagina all wet.

Number 105

This was the married girl that I wrote about in my last post. I knew this would happen; it was just a matter of when. I copped that I’d have to be a bit secret society to make it work. She invited me out a few times, but it was always spontaneous, she would never make or agree to plans, obviously because of the husband. She would write “Are you free now?” Usually, I’d be either with the GF or on the piss with the lads, so as I got towards the end of the trip, I was starting to think it wouldn’t happen. But on my last full day I went for a late breakfast with Mr Rasputin at what became our local café beside my apartment. He was heading off on a date straight after and I had some time to kill before I would see the GF at 9pm. At around 3pm I pinged married girl.  “Hey, I’m leaving tomorrow morning, but I’m free until 9pm today, would be nice to see you)”. We met at around 5.30pm, I sent a business uber to pick her up, costing me SIX WHOLE POUNDS. But this girl was worth it, she arrived in all her latest designer bling (she’s loaded and has her own fashion company) and looked stunning. We had a couple of glasses of wine before I took her home and rattled her. The sex was wild, I did her doggy over the balcony, it was only 3 degrees outside, but it was hot. She was in a cab by 8pm leaving me plenty of time to get showered and clean my flat before going to meet my girlfriend. EE’S GAT NEEA MORELS.

The Girlfriend

As mentioned throughout the post so far, I had/have a girlfriend now. I met Nastia in the first week of August. What I didn’t realise at the time, is that I actually opened her twice, the first time, she politely blew me out. The second time, she was sitting on a bench making a tik-tok for her 80,000 thirsty followers. That should give you an indication of her hotness – a solid 8 in my book. Nastia is slim, around 5’4”, Georgian looking, but Russian. She has large breasts, a small waist and wide hips. She is basically my ideal body type. We went on a LOT of dates before I even got a sniff. She told me quite early on that she does not have sex outside of a relationship. She’d only ever had one boyfriend, and so had only slept with one man. Initially I was shocked by this, because she looks like a right slag on her tik-tok, but the more time I spent with her, the more I believed it. Nastia never drinks alcohol, so the seduction process took considerably longer, but I surprised myself, I reframed this as a good thing – “Perhaps, this girl will make me drink less?!” – I didn’t.

I pondered the possibility of a relationship with her over a few days “Well Roy, you’ve accomplished your silly target of 100 DG notches, why not just give it a go?” So, I did.

I wanted to go on a little holiday with her, so I booked us a trip to Sochi and that is when we started falling for each other. Nastia has a very bubbly personality, she laughs at literally EVERYTHING I say, and constantly calls me “Красовчик”- handsome man, yeah her eye sight isn’t the best. I genuinely like this girl and we have already discussed the marriage and kids stuff, she’s basically told me she would drop everything and come wherever I went in the world. Sounds perfect, “SO WHY THE HELL ARE YE CHEATING ON HER, ROY?”

Well, relationships are pretty alien to me, I haven’t had a proper one in over 7 years. I am a seasoned veteran at meeting new girls on the street and banging them precisely once before never seeing them again.

Sure, I’ve had a few regulars down the years, but that’s not the same. There are also some draw backs to this relationship. She speaks next to zero English, our conversations are in my broken Russian, or through google translate. However, she has started learning English in the last month, so our communication is gradually getting easier.

She’s obviously Russian, and so can’t easily travel to the same places as me. She’s slightly older than my ideal wife candidate, having just turned 27 years old, but still a good 10 years younger than me.

The sex is a bit vanilla, and to be honest, I am already pretty bored of it. Unfortunately, I think this will be the same for any girl I commit to. I’ve heard the phrase “You show me a gorgeous woman, and I’ll show you a man who’s tired of fucking her” many times, but I wasn’t expecting it to be SO true.

BUT, I am well aware that there is no unicorn or perfect woman out there. This girl ticks almost every box. So I’ll keep in touch with her, I might even do the odd face time call with her.

Do you want to be as broken as me?

So, if you want to learn how to shag loadsa women and end up with commitment issues in a few year’s time; I can tell you all about it over a skype call for only 50GBP, or even better, I can show you how to do it infield for only 500GBP a day or 900GBP for two days. Again, I will be shamefully honest, I don’t think there is better value on the market. I’ll be in Belgrade for at least two weeks, and I’m thinking maybes Warsaw after that, so hit me up if either of those fit for you.

[1] Which brings my overall stats for 2021 so far to a more modest – 1 in 12.

[2] Not as much as pre-Covid, but it was comfortably the highest quality and quantity of girls I’d seen anywhere since the pandemic began.